作者: CuiJinzhong編
出版社: 科學出版社(Science Press)
出版年: 1996年12月
頁數: 132頁
書本尺寸: 公分寬, 公分長, 公分厚
書本重量: 公克
定價: RMB55.00元(已絕版)
ISBN: 9787030049001
語言: 英文
印刷: 精裝本黑白印刷及圖片
《ATLAS OF FOSSIL PLANT ANATOMY IN CHIAN中國化石植物解剖圖》內容簡介:Land vascular plants originated in the Late Silurian andEarly Devonian,atout 400 million years ago.In the evolution of plantkingdom,vascular plants have been developing very well in adaptation to terristralenviroment by the change of their configurations.Most historical plants havebeen extinct.New and important data of anatomical sturctures of fossil plantsfrom Silurian to Tertiary have been accumulated in China in the last twodecades.Anatomical stuctures of fossil plants,including 54 species offerns,gymnosperms and angiosperms in China,are described and illustrated in theAtlas,Delicate photographs of light and scanning electron microscopes show thedetails of epidermal cuticle,ground tissues and vascular structures ofleaves,stems,roots,sporangia and seeds.